Author: Todd Coolidge

Arizona takes child exploitation very seriously and it comes with high consequences. The use of vulnerable children for one’s own gratification is not tolerated. Harsh penalties are inflicted when someone is convicted with this crime. When someone is wrongly accused of this, it can have...

The most common type of property damage in Arizona is criminal damage, or vandalism. It is illegal for anyone to deface or damage another person’s property. There are different types of actions that are considered vandalism, and all come with significant consequences. Coolidge Law knows...

Mostly, when we think of crime we think of physical theft or harm to people or property. These are not the only types of crimes committed. As computers began to be widely used in the 1970s and the internet in the 1980s, crime found opportunity...

One of the first lessons that parents, teachers and other adults impart to us in childhood is not to take things that don’t belong to us. Despite this being a widely-taught cultural value, the concept still seems to get lost on numerous individuals who persist...

When you hear about someone getting a felony charge, you might not realize that there are six classes of felony charges that could apply to a circumstance. Felonies, as a whole, consist of crimes that have a punishment of a year or more in a...

Adults accused of committing crimes in Arizona go through specific criminal court procedures. These procedures are meant to build evidence for the case against the individual accused, to conclude the guilt of the individual, and, if found guilty, to sentence them according to the crime...