Todd Coolidge law firm Tag

Gun control is a hot topic in America these days. Regardless of your political stance, Todd Coolidge Law Firm would like to address from a legal standpoint, the gun control laws in Arizona. What are your rights as a resident of the Grand Canyon State,...

You may have heard about some crazy, older laws, likely taken off the books by now, that would require something ridiculous by today’s standards. But what about today’s laws? Are there any that might seem a little “out there” that are still in place today?...

It might seem that a criminal should be held accountable, regardless of when the crime was committed. However, in order to preserve the integrity of evidence (including witness testimony), states enact Statutes of Limitations. Todd Coolidge, of Coolidge Law Firm, thoroughly understands how Arizona criminal...

In a country where heinous crimes occur every day, it might seem preferable to remain ignorant of what is going on around us. However, some crimes can be thwarted with informed and active citizens. In particular, that includes cases of child abduction. At Coolidge Law...