Todd Coolidge Attorney Tag

In the state of Arizona, people working with children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups need to obtain a fingerprint clearance card before they can be offered employment. They must also keep their clearance card in good standing throughout the length of their employment.  However, a...

In Arizona, any sexual contact with a minor by someone over the age of 18 is considered statutory rape. Minors are not legally allowed to give consent. Which means sexual contact could mean serving time in federal prison and having to pay steep fines, fees,...

Each day we’re faced with making hundreds to thousands of decisions: from what color of socks we’ll wear, to the type of toothpaste we’ll use, to what time we’ll leave for work. We may not consciously think about these smaller decisions, but they’re still choices...

Failure to appear has serious consequences. If you are ever charged with a crime in Arizona, you will be given a court date for a hearing where your lawyer can plead your case. If you fail to appear for your court date, the judge will...