Taking part in any aspect of gang-related activity is punishable by law. Crime that is organized is considered a direct attack on the government, and in particular, Arizona legislation has been created to address gang participation. Coolidge Law in Gilbert Arizona is experienced in defending...

Possession or use of dangerous drugs is considered a felony in Arizona. While the classification of what constitutes a dangerous drug can be subjective, a felony charge usually concerns narcotics (not including marijuana). Todd Coolidge of Coolidge Law, located in Gilbert Arizona, has more than...

You’ve been arrested for allegedly committing a crime in the state of Arizona. What should you expect?  At Coolidge Law, we specialize in Arizona’s criminal law. We’re here to help you understand the legal processes for criminal cases in Arizona. Give us a call today,...

Adults accused of committing crimes in Arizona go through specific criminal court procedures. These procedures are meant to build evidence for the case against the individual accused, to conclude the guilt of the individual, and, if found guilty, to sentence them according to the crime...

It is important to understand that there are many ways to defend extreme DUI charges. There are a number of constitutional and statutory challenges that attorney Todd Coolidge looks for when he prepares a DUI defense. The main piece of evidence used by the State during...