26 Jun Defenses Against DUI: Part 5
It is important to understand that there are many ways to defend DUI charges. There are a number of constitutional and statutory challenges that attorney Todd Coolidge looks for when he prepares a DUI defense.
In all DUI cases, the main evidence used by the State to gain a conviction is the alcohol or drugs inside that person’s body. That evidence is being destroyed as time progresses. For that reason, all people arrested for DUI have a due process right to gather their own independent evidence. This includes being released to take photos of an accident scene, get an independent blood or urine test, getting one’s temperature taken, or having someone record how the person walks or talks.The DUI can be dismissed or evidence of the chemical test can be suppressed if an officer interferes with this right.
Attorney Todd Coolidge, recognizes the distress and difficulty that come with criminal charges such as a DUI. With a convenient location in Chandler, our services are available to all of the residents of the metro Phoenix area, as well as throughout the state of Arizona, who wish to have their rights protected. Contact us today for a prompt response from our qualified law team to begin your path to a strong defense.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (12/10/24). Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash