Author: Todd Coolidge

When a lawyer uses an affirmative defense, they argue that the defendant’s guilty plea should be lesser or non-existent due to the extenuating circumstances. Even though the defendant admits their role in the crime, because of the situation they should not be held responsible for...

In Arizona, any sexual contact with a minor by someone over the age of 18 is considered statutory rape. Minors are not legally allowed to give consent. Which means sexual contact could mean serving time in federal prison and having to pay steep fines, fees,...

Typically when people think of violating traffic laws, they think of getting a ticket and maybe paying a fine. However, that’s only for minor traffic violations. In Arizona, several traffic offenses can have you facing criminal charges and even jail time.  Criminal vs. Civil Traffic Offenses...

In Arizona, there are two ways to interpret the law, through statutory law and through common law. Common law often refers to the “spirit of the law,” while statutory law upholds the exact  “letter of the law.” Statutory law means focusing on a literal interpretation,...

There are two ways that courts in Arizona interpret the law. Statutory law follows the letter of the law, while common law is based on previous rulings. In fact, an understanding of common law frequently helps defense attorneys build a stronger case. The term “common law”...