felony in arizona Tag

Subjects like these are never fun to discuss, but understanding how the law approaches and defines acts like homicide is essential when interacting with our court systems. Todd Coolidge, a Certified Criminal Law Specialist, has handled scores of challenging cases throughout Maricopa County and the...

In our last blog post, we covered the history of the Miranda Warning and how it became mandatory for all suspected criminals to be read their rights before arrest. In this post, Coolidge Law Firm (certified criminal law specialist in Phoenix, Arizona) would like to...

Gun control is a hot topic in America these days. Regardless of your political stance, Todd Coolidge Law Firm would like to address from a legal standpoint, the gun control laws in Arizona. What are your rights as a resident of the Grand Canyon State,...

Crimes are committed every day for a multitude of reasons. Some are premeditated, some are crimes of passion committed in the moment, and others are crimes of bias. Todd Coolidge is a Certified Criminal Law Specialist. He’s defended cases involving every form of motivation, including...

If you’ve been charged with a misdemeanor in Arizona, this post will tell you what you need to know about misdemeanor classifications and their sentencings. Since we’re criminal law specialists who have been serving Gilbert, Chandler, and Mesa Arizona for over 25 years, at Coolidge...

In Western society murder has always been a punishable act. The punishments have changed over time; what used to be an eye-for-an-eye in ancient times has evolved into our modern practice of imprisonment, or even a possible death penalty charge. As a criminal defense specialist...

Taking part in any aspect of gang-related activity is punishable by law. Crime that is organized is considered a direct attack on the government, and in particular, Arizona legislation has been created to address gang participation. Coolidge Law in Gilbert Arizona is experienced in defending...