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Article III of the US Constitution lays out the legal powers and boundaries of the Judicial Branch of our Government, permitting them to make sensible laws to protect and defend the American people and society. As our nation evolves, however, some of these statutes have...

The supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) is probably better known by its old name—”food stamps.” This government assistance provides individuals and families in need with an EBT card that can be used at participating stores to purchase food.  However, the similarity between how EBT, credit, and...

    In Arizona, there are harsh ramifications for those convicted of domestic violence. It’s best to know the laws around the issue; this way you can protect yourself and others. So, what is domestic violence? And how would someone get charged with it? What should you...

In our last blog post, we discussed a well-known clause in our U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment that pertains to your right against self-incrimination. In today’s blog post we’ll highlight another part of our constitution, the phrase due process. These two little words actually appear in...