11 Jan Driving Under the Influence Can Put You Away for the Holidays
The holidays are a time for cheer, family, and friends. For many people, their celebrations also include drinking. In fact, there is usually a significant increase in drunk driving accidents and DUI charges during the holiday season.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or another substance—including some prescription medications—can have unfortunate consequences. Not only could there be a devastating accident, but you might also have to spend time in jail, pay fines and fees, and maybe even lose your license.
If you have been charged with a DUI or any other criminal traffic violations, you need a criminal defense attorney on your side. They can help you fight the charges so that you can spend the holidays with your friends and family instead of behind bars.
Drunk Driving Increases Over the Holidays
The good news is that the number of holiday season drunk driving incidents in Arizona has decreased since 2021. However, a large number of DUIs and related accidents STILL happen between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.
Driving under the influence can include substances other than alcohol. Many drugs—both legal and illegal—are included on the list of intoxicating substances. Legal drugs like prescription medications and or even cough syrup mixed with alcohol or other inebriants, can land you a DUI if they affect your ability to operate a motor vehicle.
Consequences of a DUI in Arizona
Arizona has some of the harshest penalties for driving under the influence in the country. From suspension of your driver’s license or a mandatory breathalyzer to jail time or community service, here are the possible consequences of a DUI conviction:
1. Criminal Record
Yes, a DUI in Arizona is a criminal offense. The type of DUI, the details of the case, or the number of previous DUIs can affect whether the charges are a misdemeanor or a felony.
2. Suspended License
A person’s driver’s license is immediately suspended following an arrest for driving under the influence. If the charges are dropped or the defendant is found not guilty, their license can be reinstated immediately. However, if they are convicted, there is often a waiting period or fine to reinstate it. It is also important to note that driving on a suspended license is another criminal offense.
3. Impounded Vehicle
After a DUI arrest, law enforcement may choose to impound the vehicle. Fines and storage fees must be paid before you can retrieve your vehicle.
4. Prison or Jail Time
Being charged with a DUI also means possible jail or prison time if you are convicted. Sentences could be anywhere from ten days in jail to six months in prison.
5. Interlock Device
These devices are ignition locks that will not allow you to start your car without taking a breathalyzer test. If it senses alcohol on your breath, it will prevent your car from starting.
5. Rehabilitation
This can look like alcohol or drug screenings, educational classes on driving or substance abuse, or treatment for addictions.
6. Community Service
Some convictions of a DUI will include mandatory community service.
7. Fines, Fees, and Restitution
The amount of fines, fees, and restitution to be paid is different for every case. There will always be fines and court fees for a conviction, but there will only be restitution to pay if someone else was harmed.
Hire the Best DUI Defense Lawyer in Phoenix
If you or a family member has been arrested for driving while under the influence, it is important to contact a certified criminal defense attorney right away. Todd Coolidge has over 25 years of experience defending criminal cases in Arizona. Don’t let a DUI ruin your future holidays—contact us today for a consultation on your case.
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