20 Jan Can You Be Arrested for the Defense of Others?
Yes. You can be arrested for using physical or deadly force in an attempt to defend another person, even if no one was harmed. While you may have had the right intentions, you still broke the law. However, depending on the circumstances, you may not be held responsible. If you were acting in the defense of others, you can avoid jail or prison time, keep your record clean and your civil rights intact. Here’s how a good lawyer can get those charges dropped.
Defense of Others in Arizona
Arizona law permits its residents to use physical, even deadly, force to protect themselves and others. However, the amount of force used must be necessary and immediately required. Their actions must also be within the realm of what a reasonable person would have done.
It does not include using physical or deadly force:
- After provoking the other party
- When being detained by law enforcement
- If the attack from the other party was verbal
How Is Defense of Others Used in Court?
Defense of others is a type of affirmative defense in Arizona. You are not denying that you committed a crime, but rather, arguing that your actions were justified in the situation.
In these types of cases, the defense will argue that the defendant is not responsible for the outcome of the crime. They will try to prove that the defendant’s actions were the result of an immediate threat of harm, and that they were attempting to protect another person. They may include evidence like eyewitness testimonies, phone recordings, or video surveillance.
There are several possible outcomes for this type of defense:
- The charges can be dismissed.
- Probation may be offered instead of incarceration.
- Jail or prison sentences may be reduced.
Let Us Build Your Defense
Building a winning legal defense is a complicated process. It requires a deep understanding of Arizona’s laws and the experience to know how certain types of evidence can affect the outcome of a case. If you have been arrested because of something that happened when you were defending others, you need a certified criminal attorney on your side.
Todd Coolidge believes that every case is equally important, which means your case will never be shoved to the side and forgotten. And with over 25 years of successful experience in fighting criminal charges, his team is the best. If you need a defense attorney in Phoenix, contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (1/19/25). Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash.