05 Jun Criminal Speeding in Arizona: Limits, Laws & Fines
As a criminal defense attorney in Phoenix, Todd Coolidge has argued his fair share of traffic violation cases in Arizona. With open skies and freeways that are five lanes wide on each side, it’s hard not to find your foot getting a little heavy when driving around the Phoenix Valley.
When we think about speeding, we probably think about civil traffic tickets that will run you around $250 in Arizona for going 10 mph over the speed limit. But in Arizona, a criminal speeding ticket is more serious than you might think.
What is considered criminal speeding in Arizona?
Pursuant to Arizona Statute 28-701, you can be pulled over and ticketed for criminal speeding if you are:
- Clocked going 20 mph or more over the speed limit;
- Caught exceeding 85 mph anywhere in the state (this one is a killer on the stretch from Phoenix to Tucson where the speed limit is 75 mph most of the way);
- Driving over 35 mph in a school zone while school is in session; or
- You’re driving over 45 mph where no speed is posted (typically in rural areas).
What are the penalties for criminal speeding in Arizona?
While criminal speeding charges are not as severe as reckless driving or a DUI in Arizona, you can still face a class 3 misdemeanor charge, which brings with it up to: 30 days in jail, $500 in fines, one year of probation.
If you are convicted of a criminal speeding charge other penalties can include:
- 3 points added to your license
- Impacts on immigration status
- Non-renewal of Visa or temporary work status
- Increased insurance rates
- Suspension of your driver’s license (typically if it’s not the first offense)
- Disqualification of commercial driver’s license status (CDL)
- Loss of professional licenses and security clearances
What is the most common penalty for criminal speeding?
In most cases, Todd Coolidge can argue to get your charges reduced or even get the case dismissed. The most common penalties include paying the fines and attending traffic school. However, if your case is not dismissed or reduced to a civil traffic violation, you may face a permanent criminal charge on your record, which is why you should take a criminal speeding charge seriously and hire a certified criminal law specialist.
Call Coolidge Law Firm now for your free case review: 480-264-5111.
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