White Collar Crime

You’ve been arrested for allegedly committing a crime in the state of Arizona. What should you expect?  At Coolidge Law, we specialize in Arizona’s criminal law. We’re here to help you understand the legal processes for criminal cases in Arizona. Give us a call today,...

In Western society murder has always been a punishable act. The punishments have changed over time; what used to be an eye-for-an-eye in ancient times has evolved into our modern practice of imprisonment, or even a possible death penalty charge. As a criminal defense specialist...

Adults accused of committing crimes in Arizona go through specific criminal court procedures. These procedures are meant to build evidence for the case against the individual accused, to conclude the guilt of the individual, and, if found guilty, to sentence them according to the crime...

Not all crimes involve violence, drugs, traffic offenses or traditional definitions of theft. White collar crimes are generally understood to be nonviolent illegal actions that result in personal financial gain. White collar crimes generally involve office workers, accountants, managers, stock brokers, fund managers or business...

Each day we’re faced with making hundreds to thousands of decisions: from what color of socks we’ll wear, to the type of toothpaste we’ll use, to what time we’ll leave for work. We may not consciously think about these smaller decisions, but they’re still choices...