
You’ve been arrested for allegedly committing a crime in the state of Arizona. What should you expect?  At Coolidge Law, we specialize in Arizona’s criminal law. We’re here to help you understand the legal processes for criminal cases in Arizona. Give us a call today,...

Arizona takes child exploitation very seriously and it comes with high consequences. The use of vulnerable children for one’s own gratification is not tolerated. Harsh penalties are inflicted when someone is convicted with this crime. When someone is wrongly accused of this, it can have...

Adults accused of committing crimes in Arizona go through specific criminal court procedures. These procedures are meant to build evidence for the case against the individual accused, to conclude the guilt of the individual, and, if found guilty, to sentence them according to the crime...

You may have heard about some crazy, older laws, likely taken off the books by now, that would require something ridiculous by today’s standards. But what about today’s laws? Are there any that might seem a little “out there” that are still in place today?...

New year, new laws. With this brings both good news and bad. Many of those in Arizona who were hoping to relieve overburdened Arizona courts and prisons by reducing the number nonviolent drug offenders through marijuana legalization were let down by the failure of the...

One of the most common criminal offenses, disorderly conduct in Arizona is a very challengeable charge due to it’s subjective nature. Todd Coolidge, certified criminal law specialist, can often help get these criminal charges dismissed or reduced. “Disturbing the Peace” is another term for disorderly conduct,...

New laws are passed every year by state and federal governments. Needless to say, it can be a little difficult to keep up with them all. Ballot initiatives are one of the few methods of legislating that are sourced directly by the people of a...