26 Apr What Does the Proposed 2021 Arizona Gun Bill Mean?
The point of this newly proposed 2021 gun bill, concerning the rights of Arizona citizens to bear arms, is meant to hold up gun rights if the second amendment should ever fail to do so.
KTAR News reported that Maricopa’s County Sheriff, Paul Penzone thinks the law is arbitrary. He told them, “Whether you are very much in support of the second amendment, whether you have concerns about gun laws—the Constitution is its own entity…you don’t need a state statute to say that is unlawful or unconstitutional.”
Backers of the bill say it will help protect the rights of gun owners if the federal law changes.
Bill HB 2111 Gun Bill Passes in the House
The supporters of this bill who want to see Arizona gun users protected think that HB-2111 will help. This gun bill for 2021 recently passed in the House and on Tuesday, April 6th Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey signed the bill.
What are the current protections for gun owners in Arizona?
Arizona gun control laws are among the least restrictive in the nation; that’s what makes our sunny state “firearm-friendly.”
In Arizona, you may openly carry a handgun. You are also allowed to concealed carry without a license, meaning Arizona does not require you to register your gun; so the need for a permit does not apply.
What if I’ve been pulled over with a gun?
If you happen to own one of the more than 200,000 guns in the state, and you’re traveling with it, chances are, that you’ll be pulled over with a gun in the car at some point in your life. An important thing to know is that if you get pulled over, you are not required to notify the officer that you have a gun in your possession.
However, if an officer asks you if you have a firearm in the car, you must give an answer. Remember that you’re not acting outside of the law by driving with a gun.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Phoenix
Todd Coolidge personally handles all of his client’s files. He won’t hand off your matter to another attorney—he’ll be there for you because you’re important to him. It’s imperative that you find the right council. A criminal defense attorney with a record you can trust is exactly who you need on your side.
If you’re facing felony charges in Arizona, call Todd for a consultation.
photo: gun law by Nick Youngson | from Blue Diamond Gallery on 4/26/2021 | used under the Creative Commons license