02 Dec 6 New Arizona Laws in 2019 That Positively Impact You
Elected officials on both a State and County level are in charge of passing new legislation that benefits the people in their communities. In fact, hundreds of laws have already been passed this year by the Arizona Legislature. Some of these laws will be felt more acutely, while others may go undetected by most. As a criminal defense law firm in Chandler, we stay current in regard to our understanding of Arizona law and we think you should too. Here are a few new Arizona laws that we think you’ll appreciate knowing about.
1. Electric Scooters
Cities and counties are struggling to keep up-to-date legislation regarding the boom in electric scooters as a form of transportation. In an effort to help regulate the industry without inadvertently outlawing toy scooters, the Arizona Senate passed Bill 1398. It gives people riding electric scooters all the rights and responsibilities of people riding bikes. It does not prohibit municipalities from regulating miniature scooters
2. School Workers can Administer Emergency Meds
Conditions like severe allergic reactions and opioid abuse have created an environment where there is a need for trained professionals to administer certain emergency meds. Senate Bill 1026 will allow trained school personnel to give epinephrine and opioid overdose drugs to minors in an emergency without parental consent.
3. Restricting Licenses for Dangerous Drivers
It makes sense that if an individual’s reckless driving causes injury, their driving privileges should be restricted. House Bill 2366 will punish drivers who break traffic laws and cause a serious injury by restricting their licenses for 90 to 180 days.
4. New Penalty for Animal Cruelty
A new 2019 law will not enact harsher punishments on those who subject domestic animals to cruel mistreatment or death. The law makes certain acts a Class 1 Misdemeanor, punishable by up to 6 months in jail, and others a Class 6 Felony, punishable by up to one year in jail. Some cases may even be punished as a Class 5 felony which has a sentence of 18 months in jail.
5. More Opportunity to Buy Fireworks
Who doesn’t love fireworks? Senate Bill 1348 will allow the sale of fireworks to span a few days the holidays Diwali, which falls on November 14th in 2020, and Cinco de Mayo.
6. School Suicide Prevention Training
The sad truth is that suicide rates among teens and young adults have never been higher. According to Los Angeles Times reporting, in 2017 alone, suicide claimed the lives of 5,016 males and 1,225 females between 15 and 24 in the United States. In an effort to bring awareness to and prevent this issue, starting in the 2020-21 school year, districts and charter schools are required to provide training for school guidance counselors, teachers, principals and other school personnel who work with students in grades 6 through 12.
Defense Attorney in Chandler
These new Arizona laws and the hundreds of others passed in 2019 permit greater freedom and safety for our communities in the Phoenix-Metro area. If you have been arrested or accused of a crim in Chandler, Gilbert or Mesa Arizona, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. Call Todd Coolidge today: 480-264-5111.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use. Image by Christian Bueltemann from Pixabay (12/2/2019)