18 Aug Voting Laws in Arizona
There are currently 500,177 registered voters in Arizona. If you’re not one of them, join the group now by registering yourself to vote! Your voice is important and our team at Coolidge Law wants to make sure your vote is counted. For answers to common questions about voting laws in Arizona see the information below.
What do I need to bring to the polls?
A valid Arizona driver’s license or a tribal enrollment card will be all you need to cast a vote. If you don’t have a driver’s license, you’ll need to bring two forms of identification such as two utility bills from the past 90 days, two bank statements, an Indian census card, a passport, or any of the items from this list.
In order for your vote to count you must show valid identification by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Where is my voting location?
You can find this out by looking at your voter registration card or by searching, using your address. Poll times are from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Can I vote by mail?
Yes! Everyone who is eligible to vote in Arizona is allowed to vote by mail. No excuse necessary. To vote in the Nov. 3rd election, you must be registered to vote by October 5th and you must request a mail-in-ballot by October 23rd. The Secretary of State has an option for you to request your ballot online. If you need a replacement ballot, however, you will have to request that in-person or by mail.
When turning in your ballot, it is recommended that you take advantage of the designated drop-boxes. For information by county, see here.
Want to check if you are already on the Permanent Early Voting List? Use this form. If you are on the list, you will automatically be sent a ballot. Not on the list? You can either sign up or you can request a one-time mail-in-ballot.
Can I vote early?
You can! Early voting starts 27 days before Election Day. So, if you want to vote in the Nov. 3rd, 2020 election, early voting will begin on October 7th. You may do this in-person or through a ballot by mail. The last day to vote early in person is Oct. 30th. Don’t forget your ID!
Is voting by mail safe?
Our Secretary of State in Arizona, Katie Hobbs, states that mail-in-ballots are safe. Because of the current pandemic, she is encouraging voters to choose this option as it will help with social-distancing.
What makes this option safe are tamper-evident envelopes and ballots, secure drop boxes, signature verifications, and criminal penalties for tampering with another person’s ballot or bribing them to vote a certain way.
To make sure your vote is counted, you will need to get your ballot in the mail by Oct. 28th.
Can I vote if I have a felony?
If you have had your Civil Rights restored, yes. Otherwise, no.
Want more info on voting laws in Arizona?
If you need more information, or have further questions about voting laws in Arizona, visit arizona.vote for all your voting regulations and information by county. As a defense law firm in Phoenix, our team at Coolidge Law is all about your rights. And voting is a right that everyone should have access to and easily be able to exercise.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (8/18/20). Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash