Misconduct Involving Weapons in Arizona Part II: Penalties & Laws

In our last post we discussed some of the basics and terms relating to misconduct involving weapons in Arizona …as well as some oddities like the illegal status of nunchucks! Now to wrap up the subject of our previous blog, here are some of the laws and penalties surrounding weapons you should be aware of–even in the gun-toting state of Arizona.

Misconduct involving weapons can fall into a number of classes of misdemeanors or felonies contingent on the circumstances surrounding the case. The following are some of the different actions that will land you anything from a Class 1 Misdemeanor to a Class 3 Felony if the courts have their way.

Misconduct Involving Weapons

Class 1 Misdemeanor: Up to 6 months in jail

  • Carrying a deadly weapon on school property, a polling place, at an event that you’ve been asked not to do so, or public premises

Class 6 Felony: Up to 1 year in prison

  • Defacing a deadly weapon
  • Possession of a defaced deadly weapon
  • Transferring or selling a deadly weapon to someone who may not legally possess it

Class 4 Felony: Up to 2.5 years in prison

  • Selling, possessing or manufacturing prohibited weapons
  • Entering a nuclear power plant with a deadly weapon
  • Commission of a felony while possessing a deadly weapon
  • Possession of a deadly weapon if you are prohibited to possess one

Class 3 Felony: Up to 3.5 years in prison

  • Committing an act of terrorism using a deadly weapon
  • Selling or providing a firearm to another with the knowledge that they are intending to use it to commit a felony
  • The discharge of a firearm in an occupied area in the furtherance of gang activity

Are you facing charges of misdemeanor or felony misconduct involving weapons in Arizona? Contact your local Chandler Certified Criminal Law Specialist Todd Coolidge as soon as possible!

*The information in this blog is for general information purposes only. This blog post should not be taken to constitute a formal recommendation or professional advice. We exclude all representations, warranties, legal liability or responsibility relating to its content.