05 Dec Decoding “Legalise” Part 2: Everyday Words with other Meanings
In our last post we defined several legal terms you may have heard before, but weren’t sure the meaning of. This week we will discuss some commons terms that you know, but may not know what they mean in a legal setting where they often translate to something entirely different. Truly understanding what’s being said around and about you when you are facing legal charges will go a long way in helping you know the best course of action and keep you out of the dark. Of course, Coolidge Law Firm recommends you find professional legal representation to help explain the nuances and advise you on how to best defend your rights.
Admissible: Evidence that may be considered by a judge or jury.
Action: A lawsuit or case.
Appeal: After the trial is over, a request by the losing party for a higher court to review the decision to determine if the outcome was correct.
Assume: An agreement to continue performing duties under a lease or contract.
Bail: Prior to trial, the release of a person accused of a crime under specified conditions created to assure that person appears in court when required. This can also refer to the amount of bond money posted as a condition of pretrial release.
Brief: A written statement submitted in an appellate proceeding or trial that explains one side’s factual and legal arguments.
Claim: A creditor’s assertion of the debtor’s property or payment from the debtor.
Complaint: A written statement that begins a civil lawsuit that details the claims against the defendant.
Conviction: A guilty judgment against a criminal defendant.
Damages: The money that is paid to a plaintiff by the defendant in a civil case when the plaintiff has won.
Discovery: The procedures used to obtain the disclosure of evidence before a trial.
Execute: To sign into effect.
Motion: A request by a judge or litigant for a decision on an issue relating to the case.
Sentence: The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
Do you feel a little more informed? We certainly hope so! For all of your legal questions, don’t hesitate to contact Todd Coolidge whenever you are facing DUI, traffic, domestic violence, or felony charges in Arizona.
*The information in this blog is for general information purposes only. This blog post should not be taken to constitute a formal recommendation or professional advice. We exclude all representations, warranties, legal liability or responsibility relating to its content.
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (11/28/2016) Sebastien Wiertz (Flickr)