Common Legal Terms Defined

Legal jargon can be more than a little confusing for those who haven’t dedicated years of their life to studying Arizona law. Below is a brief list explaining some of the more common legal terms that you may want to familiarize yourself with if you are ever facing legal proceedings. If you need any further clarification, never hesitate to contact your local Certified Criminal Law Specialist in Chandler, Todd Coolidge.

Acquit – To find a criminal defendant not guilty.

Bail – Money or other type of security that is required to be held by the court by the judge to ensure that a criminal defendant will be in court for the trial if they are released while awaiting trial. This money (bail) is then returned when the defendant returns for trial.

Admissible – Properly introduced evidence in a trial.

Deposition – Oral or written testimony taken outside of a courtroom by question and answer under oath. Depositions may be read in court and may be admitted by the judge as evidence.

Affidavit – A written statement of fact, signed and sworn to in front of a notary or a person who has the right to administer an oath.

Plea Bargain/Plea Agreement  – A process between the prosecution and the accused to negotiate a mutually satisfactory outcome of the case.

Subpoena – An order to compel someone to come to a court at a certain time and date; there are penalties if that person doesn’t show up to court.

Information courtesy of Look for our next blog installment for more common legal terms defined.

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