
In our last blog post, we discussed a well-known clause in our U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment that pertains to your right against self-incrimination. In today’s blog post we’ll highlight another part of our constitution, the phrase due process. These two little words actually appear in...

In our last blog post, we covered the history of the Miranda Warning and how it became mandatory for all suspected criminals to be read their rights before arrest. In this post, Coolidge Law Firm (certified criminal law specialist in Phoenix, Arizona) would like to...

We’ve all heard the Miranda Rights read aloud on a criminal-drama TV series by a police officer upon the arrest of a suspect. Hopefully, you haven’t had these words read aloud in person! It goes as such: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything...

Gun control is a hot topic in America these days. Regardless of your political stance, Todd Coolidge Law Firm would like to address from a legal standpoint, the gun control laws in Arizona. What are your rights as a resident of the Grand Canyon State,...