05 Sep What is considered Domestic Violence in Arizona?
It doesn’t matter whether you are married, unmarried, gay, straight, separated, cohabiting or dating. Regardless of the type of relationship you are involved in, domestic violence is any behavior used by one person to control another in a relationship. This can also include children or other family members–not just romantic partners. Both physical and emotional abuse are generally associated with domestic violence.
If you are wrongfully accused of domestic violence it can have devastating consequences when it comes to visitation, child custody, immigration status–not to mention the potential criminal charges. Todd Coolidge has experience defending your reputation by gathering evidence to find inconsistencies in the alleged victim’s testimony and support your domestic violence defense.
Domestic violence can include any of the following scenarios, just to name a few:
- Restricting a partner from contacting their family or friends
- Threatened physical harm
- Actual physical harm/abuse
- Sexual assault
- Emotional abuse like putdowns and name-calling
- Preventing the victim from finding or keeping a job
Domestic violence used to almost exclusively apply to wives who were abused by their husbands. However, the laws have been expanded to protect other classes of people in recent years. People who are protected by domestic violence laws include:
- Boyfriends and girlfriends
- Roommates
- People in homosexual relationships
- Elders and family members
- Husbands and wives
Are you being accused of any of the above scenarios and are currently or may be soon facing charges of domestic violence in Arizona? Contact your local Certified Criminal Law Specialist, Todd Coolidge to schedule your confidential consultation.
*The information in this blog is for general information purposes only. This blog post should not be taken to constitute a formal recommendation or professional advice. We exclude all representations, warranties, legal liability or responsibility relating to its content.
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